Wednesday, 5 June 2013

We did many things at the zoo which we don't usually... :)

We finally went back for the water play at the zoo!!! With cousins in tow!!! We saw the newly opened Arctic enclosure with a very lonely polar bear, Inuka, lazing around.. We walked through the snake enclosures... Finally saw the sun bears, giant tortoises, and Komodo dragons... Hahahaha... 

*spot the polar bear! Haha

Very impressive new enclosure... But I think it's a little too big and stark for the lonely bear... He even has a huge cold room to chill!!!!

 Alright.. Mama didnt take pictures of the real giant tortoises.. Haaha... But he rode on a huge bronzed one! Haha

Not sure if he could see the Komodo dragon though.... 

And his favorite part - the water play area!!! :) without his swim gear and he was diaperless!!!! Hahahah yeay!!!

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