Friday, 21 June 2013

Go away haze!!!!

It's driving us bonkers!!!! We were indoors all day and night - babe did not step out to play even at the car porch!!! Poor babe walked to the door a few times and indicated that he wanted to go out..... Was really upset when I said no. :( 

* Hence, everytime the door opens, he will drop whatever he's doing and dash out!! Hahahah 

So there we were playing with his cars and trucks.... Pushing them back and forth... Then mama got innovative and set up a slide for the cars to see how far they could go... Hahaha... More for my amusement but babe followed suit!! Haha.. 

Read a lot!!! Some books, we read at least 3 times throughout the day!! Wonder why little ones never get sick of the same stories repeated over and over again. But I guess it works for me cos i can remember some stories word by word and can rattle off with him holding the book and me doing something else. hahahahha..... Got him two new picture books and he was scouring through the colourful pages for a while... spotting the objects. I like spot-the-object books for now.. ;)

* can u find the balloon? Banana? Egg?Hahahah.. Then it will be his turn pointing to the objects and I have to name them.. Haha...

We mucked around some more.... Playing this and that.. Hide and seek... Rode the tricycle.... Kissed the baby silly hahahah... Then mama had to put up a keep-the-balloon-afloat show... I have no idea how he made me do it. But there he was, sitting comfortably on a lounger while silly mama was going after the balloon and doing headers which made him laugh so hysterically!!!! I would love to post the video but all I got was the sofa and occasionally mama running across the video... And of course his very hearty laughter!

*this photo is blurred but its taken while I was still bouncing the balloon and he was laughing himself silly! But u get the idea.. Haha

*stirring his masak masak at the steps.

* dunno what the donkey is he doing?? Hahaha.... 

And we did something we haven't been doing for a long long long time (a month or more?!)...... Watch tv!! Haha... Quite a non-event actually... He walked away when I turned it off after about 20mins. It is something that he doesn't miss or ask for it like he used to at one point... Good thing?

*the ah sia Kia is back with the tv!! Hahaha...

Think staying home the whole day is more tiring than bringing the babe out!!! I will gladly take him to the zoo or playground anytime!!!! How many more days to go????? :(

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