Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Little boo boo and totoro

We had this soft cuddly ball of fur, Totoro, perched on top of our shelf for the longest time... Way way before Luke was born. And it was one of those things we used to distract the crying baby when he was much younger. Haha.. Look, totoro!! Worked for 5 seconds everytime then!! Hahahaha.... 

And this totoro was one of the first few things he could point to when we asked "where is such and such". However, it was a look and see soft toy... Hardly brought it down... Till....

..... Mummy went out for the evening the day before. Haha.. And according to papa, he was playing with it!!! 

*papa sent this photo while I was out. :)

Then Mama brought it down for him again the next morning to wake him, and he was playing with it like an old friend!!! Lol...

* "talking" away with totoro!

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