Slapped on a thick layer of mozzie repellent on babe and a hat and we were at the ang mo kio playground again. :) But this time with no sand toys. So Luke just swooshed the sand around with his hands. Haha...
This time, however, we got to try the... urrrmmmm... thing that goes round and round... Hahahah... I simply have no idea what do u call it!! Hahaha... But it was always occupied by big children whenever we were there!!
He was quite cool on it. Although I thought he didn't quite fancy it. Spun him round and round and round... He was quite awkward in it. Maybe it was because he didn't know where to hold or what exactly was he supposed to do on it!! Ahhahah... Nonetheless, he still balanced himself and stuck around for a few more spins.
Then he awkwardly stepped down after a few tries of getting down. Haha... He just didn't know where to place his legs to get down. My little silly boy. ❤
Bahh... Back to the slides and turning gears before we hit the road and went home for lunch.
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