Monday, 17 June 2013

Happy birthday Wei Wei gu and many more to come!!

We celebrated Wei Wei gu's birthday at sentosa!!!! Something we wanted to do last year but couldn't get round to do it!!! It was a great familee gathering!!! (Though we all just had dinner together the day before.. Haha...)

And my little boo boo played with sand for the longest time ever.... Almost 2 hours!! Hahahah.... Played through his dinner of his favorite popo's porridge.. Mama was too slow to feed him and he had to tap my lap with his sandy and grimy fingers! Had sand splattered over his last two mouthfuls of porridge but nevermind.. Went to get more and he finished up too!! He would continue playing if we didn't pick him up to take a shower!! Haha..

This little one wanted to go into the water to join his cousins.... Hmmm... Was not quite sure why we didn't let him... Hahah.... We both brought our swimming gears. Maybe because we were too lazy to wash up after. Duh.... On hindsight, we should have cos we had to bathe him anyways and because of the not-baby-friendly shower, I was totally wet too and had to shower and change too!!! (We had to finish washing him up at the low foot shower! Haha) 

* Our little familee picture.. Hehee

And that's about everyone in our big family and more! :)

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