Sunday, 30 June 2013

Nice playground!!

We finally visited the playground at lukey's great grandmother's place!! He pointed to it several times before.. when we drove in!! But we usually distract him with cats or whatever and head upstairs.... hahaha... Tis quite a nice one.... the play equipment is by little tikes! Rather different from the ones we visited so far.... 

It doesn't have the nitty corners or holes that trap water and dirt (which can be quite disgusting)... And the whole structure was very 'roomy' (lots of walking space for children going up and down and walking across the wobbly bridge) yet it's 'tight' enough that u won't worry so much that your toddler is gonna fall through the gap meant for older children to climb through... Hahha if u know what I mean.... Hahahah... Will take more photos to show the next time we are there! Hehee Plus it has many slides.... a bouncy bulldozer... And a ship structure with a globe in it!! Most importantly, I think this little boy likes it too!! :)

Sweetest apple for papa

Shared apple with the very happy papa! Haha... 

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Our pet....

... Caterpillar! Hahaha.... Look!! It can stick out like this!!!! Prob ready to build his cocoon??!

What a varied series of events today! (28/6/13)

Our day started late again..... Prob caused by the late nights!! Haiz.... Anyways, we hung around the room for a while before washing up to go down for breakkie.

Lukey wanted to try on his new pair of shoes from Kai ma.... And was really pleased with it! Haha.... He had a rather cute satisfied expression while wearing it around the room!! hahaha... Phew... Mama dug it out at the right time!! Just the right size!!! :)

Then there was the box of wooden musical instruments from his cousins.... Very well made and just the right tones. (Mama does not like musical instruments that doesn't sound like what they are supposed to sound!! Hahaha). So there we were, striking up a band with Luke on the xylophone and symbols and mama with the bells!! Haha... 

We decided to go look for punggol waterway after breakkie..... as a possible place-to-go for our outings! Hahaha... Since it doesn't seem too far and there's a sand pit and water play area there. :)

Auntie Lowe wanted to come with us on our recci trip so off we went to explore in our little blue van!! After some wrong turns, we finally found it!!!! Nice place!!! The sand pit was huge!!! And the water play area seems fun.... Soothing waterway with a bridge too... The only thing was..... Not much shade as the trees were still quite young.... And it was rather hot at 10am!! (Under the motorway seemed to be the only place to seek solace from the scorching hot sun!!) We were the only ones there for a while on a weekday morning... Hahaha.... And we will definitely be back!! :)
* Sam seng Kia ran off without his Tshirt!!! 

* little one picked up a millipede along the way. 

* he was running up and down the bridge!! (Bridge has gaps between each plank... gulp.. hahaha ok mama is not quite a fan of gaps) Occasionally stopping to look into the water...

We went home for lunch before rushing off to meet papa for babe's registration for nursery class to start in Jan 2014. Gulp!!! My baby is going to school!!! He may be one of the youngest and most babish among his classmates as he barely turns 2 before he goes to school with the 3 year olds!! I am rather curious to see how will he be like at school... Haha.... And how he will handle the seperation anxiety. Haha We shall see..... 

We were back into our van, driving off to meet Kai ma in town!!! Haha what many things to do today!! Haha... We went to the toys dept at takashimaya for babe to run a little so that he could settle to have drinks with us after... Release the need-to-move tension in him!! Hahaha.... 

As usual he was looking at all the cars and trains... (Or is it because mama put him down at that section?? Haha) and was holding on to this little train with a handle everywhere he went!!! Hahaha so one hand holding to the rather heavy train and the other checking out other toys!!

As babe did not nap for the day, to keep him awake when we were back at 4ish, mama filled his tub with bubbles, and threw him in!! Hahaha we were in the bath room for a long long time!!! From a tub full of bubbles to the bubbles dissipate... Haha... He was filling and emptying the containers!!! 

Mama and babe were totally beat by dinner time!!! What a day!!!!

Friday, 28 June 2013

Cousins' day

Tis a cousins' day yesterday!!! The whole ging gang gathered at the toa payoh Safra for a morning of loud rowdy play!!! Hahahaha..... (Somehow the girls didn't join in)

Crowded as expected... Tad too 'claustrophobic' for the little one! He was very tensed at the big kids play area although he was walking around and picking balls... Tried the slide too... Guessed so as everyone was towering over him, zooming here and there. Alright... To the toddler room!! Haha..

Ahhhh... More at home now.. Hahha... But he was still quite scared looking at the big brown tree with a little slide, smacked right at the entrance! Deal with it boy!! Hahha... And he did.... Eventually sliding down it!! :) (mama was sliding too... Hence, no photos.. Haiz..)

* stylo Kor kor styling his hair while he was having lunch hahaha...

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Hot hot hot!!!!!

We spent more than an hour round the neighborhood and was sweating buckets!!!!!! The air was literally still!!! It felt like being stuck in a small storeroom with no ventilation!! Hot. 

Would u think its hazy today?? Seemed hazy to me when i look up at the sky but when I look straight ahead, tis ok. No burning smell too.... Hmmm..... Anyways, we were out a long time at 3 different playgrounds.. Hahaha.... And yes, sweating like mad!! Hahahah....

We were greeted by a big patch of morning glory flowers when we walked out to the main road! Nice! And we just saw that in our book of flowers!!

* mama and baby riding at opposite ends. :)

I thought this is funny cos he climbed up this rubber mat and positioned himself to be seated like this and was swinging himself with a push of his leg while watching mama talking to a neighbour!! Hahaha....

We walked through a pile of noisy dried leaves before heading home. It was almost time for lunch!

* quiet play behind the sofa with his bus and 4 little squares.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Just another day :)

Back to our usual activities.... Took Lukey to bishan this morning. Had to run after the bus!! Hahaha.... He was amused! Mama was panting like mad!!! The bus uncle stopped the bus for us when he saw us running. Sweet! And this little boy was rather friendly today... Saying bye bye to almost everyone!! Haha.. He was also pointing to a fellow commuter's moles on his arms in the train!! "Mo.. mo.." Gulp!! Hahaha..... 

Bishan was crowded this morning!! Probably it's the school holidays and a "haze-free" day. The library was  brimming with so many children!! Noisy!!! Picked up a book and left. The rides and shops were not any better... :( We spent some time at the supermarket before heading home. Mama even had to give up buying her tea cos the queue was simply too long!! 

* he loves these 3 books set that ah keem bought for him!! Had to read them over and over again!

* playing with the wheel while waiting for his turn at the racing car ride. The hummer which he loved riding on, was replaced. 

* our supermarket rounds... 

* on our way home on the train... Passing amk bus station. :)

These wont knock me down!!!!

So I have been warned.... Expect lots of knocks and tumbles in the toddler years.. Yes!! So here they are, all in one day (yesterday)... 

Location : While running at the porch... What happened : Tripped and landed on his left cheek. 
Damage : rosy left cheek for a while...
Pain level (based on cries/scream) : 2/10

Location : after running on the spot at the living room.
What happened : plonked himself on a cushion on the floor but lost balance and hit his right cheek on the arm chair. Quite a hard knock.
Damage : bruised right cheek. (A curved line of blue/black bruise lining the base of his cheek.)
Pain level : 5-6/10

Location : unknown
What happened : unknown
Damage : a cut on his toe.
Pain level : 0/10 ?
*showed me this morning... Haha

Monday, 24 June 2013

The Great Outdoors!!!!! And babe was finally sweating after a week of hiatus!!!

Mama has been constantly checking the  PSI level online to monitor the haze.... "Can we go out today??????" Peering out of our windows to do our own "readings" too... Haha... Whether the tree ahead looks clear enough... Yessss!!!!!! The coast is clear today!!!!!

As soon as I mentioned "lets go out to play", the babe rushed to the door, dragging the car transporter he was holding!! Hahaha.... 

And we were at the car porch till almost lunch time!! Actually not that long cos we woke really late today and it was only half a morning!!! Hahahah.... The morning just swooshed by!!!

We found a caterpillar by chance and lukey was smiling and touching it.... "Tou(ch).. tou(ch)" Much to the caterpillar's and mama's dismay!! It didn't move the whole time we were watching it and he touching it! But moved on to the leaf below when we came back 5mins later!!

We poked around somemore... And Luke wanted to wear this weird looking a-size-too-small crocodile 'crocs-like' shoes.... (Tis in the bag of hand me downs) hehee... He walked funny in it and kept looking down at it. Funny boy.

Lunch came and went..... Play came and went.... But nap didn't come. :(

So there we were, in the room for almost 3 hrs..... Mama trying so hard to keep awake... Flipping through bookS, playing with cars, trying many times to make him sleep... Failed. Ok.. Lets go out then! 

AMK playground... Here we are again!!!

* SWEAT!!!! Hahahha haven't seen that for a while.... 

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Guess who came for a sleepover??? :)

The 3 kor kors!!!!!! Babe was soooooo soooooooo SOOOOO happy!!!!! Hahhaha...

From the time Kai Kai kor kor alighted from the car till the morning after, he was  grinning from ear to ear!!!! "Ka ka" "ka ka!!!!"

Cutest ever was when he opened his eyes in the morning, he saw Kai Kai kor kor sleeping on the mattress below... He immediately clobbered down the bed, crouched next to him, very delighted and "waited" for him to wake!! Hahahahah.... This hovering continued till kor kor woke!!!!! Hahahah... Then he laid next to kor kor and was just... Happy!!! :) 

Friday, 21 June 2013

We shall play with anything and everything!!

Turn off the lights and we have a new activity for our stay-home day with the torchlight!!!!! Used to play it with him when he was much younger (for those too lazy to get out of bed mornings).... Just dart the light here and there for him to follow!! Haha... 

Now.... He can control where he wants to shine the light!!!! Not that precise but getting there... :) 

Go away haze!!!!

It's driving us bonkers!!!! We were indoors all day and night - babe did not step out to play even at the car porch!!! Poor babe walked to the door a few times and indicated that he wanted to go out..... Was really upset when I said no. :( 

* Hence, everytime the door opens, he will drop whatever he's doing and dash out!! Hahahah 

So there we were playing with his cars and trucks.... Pushing them back and forth... Then mama got innovative and set up a slide for the cars to see how far they could go... Hahaha... More for my amusement but babe followed suit!! Haha.. 

Read a lot!!! Some books, we read at least 3 times throughout the day!! Wonder why little ones never get sick of the same stories repeated over and over again. But I guess it works for me cos i can remember some stories word by word and can rattle off with him holding the book and me doing something else. hahahahha..... Got him two new picture books and he was scouring through the colourful pages for a while... spotting the objects. I like spot-the-object books for now.. ;)

* can u find the balloon? Banana? Egg?Hahahah.. Then it will be his turn pointing to the objects and I have to name them.. Haha...

We mucked around some more.... Playing this and that.. Hide and seek... Rode the tricycle.... Kissed the baby silly hahahah... Then mama had to put up a keep-the-balloon-afloat show... I have no idea how he made me do it. But there he was, sitting comfortably on a lounger while silly mama was going after the balloon and doing headers which made him laugh so hysterically!!!! I would love to post the video but all I got was the sofa and occasionally mama running across the video... And of course his very hearty laughter!

*this photo is blurred but its taken while I was still bouncing the balloon and he was laughing himself silly! But u get the idea.. Haha

*stirring his masak masak at the steps.

* dunno what the donkey is he doing?? Hahaha.... 

And we did something we haven't been doing for a long long long time (a month or more?!)...... Watch tv!! Haha... Quite a non-event actually... He walked away when I turned it off after about 20mins. It is something that he doesn't miss or ask for it like he used to at one point... Good thing?

*the ah sia Kia is back with the tv!! Hahaha...

Think staying home the whole day is more tiring than bringing the babe out!!! I will gladly take him to the zoo or playground anytime!!!! How many more days to go????? :(