Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Still a struggle...

... to go on the tram at the zoo! Not even with a cute little tram stamp on his hand! Oh baby, if we can go on the tram, we can go for miles!! Hahahha.... 

Mama : "baby, shall we go on the tram?" *pointing earnestly at the tram*
Baby : "no no no no nooo!"
*pointing the other way*

Moments later.

Mama : "oh look baby, the tram has wheels and look, there are little children on it. Let's go on the tram ok?"
Baby : "no no no no noooo!"
*still pointing elsewhere*

After 2 more tries and an attempt to board it, I gave up to a now whiny and about-to-wail if I keep pushing baby.. Hahahahha and yes, the word "no" has been automatically added to his growing vocabulary! 

So here we are again, the elephants, rhinos, cheetahs, giraffes and lions.... :) Guess we are lucky again as the lion stood almost on cue and started bellowing for a while.. Babe was amused and smiling at it! 

And the elephants were being fed while we stood nearby. :)

For some reasons, we still haven't gone to the primate's kingdom and haven't seen any bears... Hmmmm I wonder why... Haha

And babe, mama hasn't forgotten the water play - we will do it really soon! 

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