Monday, 27 May 2013

About trucks......

While watching his trains in the morning, little boy noticed 2 yellow boxes on the table and was GRINNING from ear to ear!!!! Trucks!!!!!! Reach!!!!

Papa is really indulging him!!! But we should have kept it till next week as the trains just debuted!! Sigh... anyways, I guess we can classify these as sand toys and add them to our almost-non-existent collection of just a small container and a scooper. Hahaha.... 

Ok, let's put our new sand toys to work! Within 15mins, we were out of the house to catch a bus to the huge ang mo kio playground with sand!!!! There goes mama's laze-around-the-house-Mondays.... Hahaha... 

Great sunny day for sand play! Babe was pointing earnestly to the playground opposite after we alighted from the bus. "There. There" hahahaha.... 

We were joined by two friendly boys after settling under the shade. Babe was watching them for a while before minding his own business and playing his own way. Parallel play. Hahaha... But I must say, the boys were really patient with him and were talking to him and showing him how the digger and dump truck works! 

Dropping sand!! Luckily it was not breezy or the sand would be in my face! Haha

Babe walking back to where our toys were... Except for the little abacus-like board where he can move the pieces from side to side, he is not quite ready for the rest of the frame. 

Of cos he had to ride in the jeep! :) 

We packed up and took a bus back when it got scorchingly hot!! We've been out for almost 2hours and it's Lunch time!!! ;)

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