Saturday, 4 May 2013

A busy Saturday morning

Babe did a woke-at-4-and-slept-at-6-and finally-awake-at-10 thingy again!!!! This time, I didn't bother to turn on the lights at all. Simply too tired to react! Heard him say "boo"(book) and "bur" (bird chirping outside).... Gahhh.... Pulled him back every time he attempted to get down the bed. Literally feeling for his legs in the dark and pulling him back!! Hahaha cannot recall how the two hrs or so passed... Hahaha

The morning or what's left of it was spent at the car porch... Doing this and that!!! Haha... and that includes his favourite activity of the moment - to push his big dump truck filled with mega blocks out to the car porch. Nevermind the big step off the main door... he will get there somehow!!! Hahaha But it was really cool to watch him stretch and tip toe to stack the blocks as it got really tall!! He was really TRYING very hard to reach!!! Haha :) And the busy baby was soaking wet with perspiration in no time as he continued to shift everything out there... The ornament dogs, the little chairs...!!!

This little one also did what all babies will try out some time in their toddlerhood - wear his papa's shoes!!! Hahahaha note how this little boo boo lifted his leg into the shoe!! Hahahaha

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