Friday, 31 May 2013

Its true... I'll never walk alone again...

... Even in the toilet!!!

Bring on the pails, step stool, shampoo bottles, whatever he can find in there and we have a fun toilet-play area which can occupy him for as long as I'm in there!! 

Our mornings after papa has gone to work on most days :

1) Opens his eyes and mutters "books" or "Cars".... Down the bed and scurries to his choice of activity. 

This morning was cars... So there he was, scavenging through the toy box.

2) Mama usually do a toilet run when he's settled with a toy or book.

3) When he realised that I was in the toilet, he brought his car in and hung in there with me till I was done! Hahaha...

Good morning papa!!!

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Bye bye kor kors...

We woke earlier than usual this morning and left the house before papa!!! It's a rush to the airport to send kor kors off!! We won't see Kai Kai and pin pin kor kor for 2 weeks! Kai Kai kor kor kept hugging him and he was smiling away... 
(Mama was talking away and forgot to take pictures :( !! )

Thereafter, we hung around with ah keem at the airport.... Had breakfast, ran around at the play area, watched the planes land, took the sky train and just strolled around. :) 

Little boy climbing up and down and exploring the play area on his own! Hehee cos mama was busy chatting again!! Hahahaha.... 

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Thought it may rain......

.... but tis the haze I think! Gloomy the whole day with a little drizzle in the late afternoon. Hence, it home-bound day with a little trip to the playground. 

Boy is actually quite independent at the playground... It's just that his parents are not ready to let go! Hahahah.. He climbed up the frame, went through the tunnel and slid down the slide himself with watchful eye from the side, of cos, ready to scoop him if need be.... And he's quite good!! He went round many times!! :) 

*its blur :(

And boy wouldn't go near the hole for another photo.... Haha

Off he goes, down the slide!!

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Favorite activity for papa, mama and baby!! Tsk!


Engaging, improves hand-eye coordination and concentration, informative and best of all, Minimal parents' participation!!! Hahahahah.... 

Nevermind the instructions... All we have to do is to remove the cards from the box and little boy will be at it for a long, long time - enough to take that 5 minute snooze, play a few games of candy crush or just laze... Hahahahah.... Babe finds it challenging to put the cards back into the box one at a time!! Hahahahah... Of cos, we will be on hand to answer his occasional pointing to some objects but other than that, the concentration is superb!!! Hahaha.... 

*boy pretending to eat the 小豆!! Haha 

Monday, 27 May 2013

About trucks......

While watching his trains in the morning, little boy noticed 2 yellow boxes on the table and was GRINNING from ear to ear!!!! Trucks!!!!!! Reach!!!!

Papa is really indulging him!!! But we should have kept it till next week as the trains just debuted!! Sigh... anyways, I guess we can classify these as sand toys and add them to our almost-non-existent collection of just a small container and a scooper. Hahaha.... 

Ok, let's put our new sand toys to work! Within 15mins, we were out of the house to catch a bus to the huge ang mo kio playground with sand!!!! There goes mama's laze-around-the-house-Mondays.... Hahaha... 

Great sunny day for sand play! Babe was pointing earnestly to the playground opposite after we alighted from the bus. "There. There" hahahaha.... 

We were joined by two friendly boys after settling under the shade. Babe was watching them for a while before minding his own business and playing his own way. Parallel play. Hahaha... But I must say, the boys were really patient with him and were talking to him and showing him how the digger and dump truck works! 

Dropping sand!! Luckily it was not breezy or the sand would be in my face! Haha

Babe walking back to where our toys were... Except for the little abacus-like board where he can move the pieces from side to side, he is not quite ready for the rest of the frame. 

Of cos he had to ride in the jeep! :) 

We packed up and took a bus back when it got scorchingly hot!! We've been out for almost 2hours and it's Lunch time!!! ;)

About trains...

We finally bought trains to replace the faulty ones for the tracks! :) Think it'll be more hands on for him when he's older and can help fix the tracks. Nonetheless, he loves watching them run along the tracks! Quite funny to watch him move away quickly when the train approaches and when he carefully walks over the tracks to sit in the middle.. :) 

Sunday farm... Singapore style!

We were at the Lim Chu Kang farms yesterday.... Hopping on and off the car between each farm (a little inconvenient with the little one who's not a big fan of being strapped in the car seat for too long - but he was quite co-operative.) Saw the goats and frogs and a vegetable farm.... Hmmm.... Not quite like the zoo where u can feed and pat the goats but we could see the milking process... But not sure if he gets it tho.. Haha.... But little boy was touching and smelling the leaves and fruits at the Vege farm. :) 

*goats were a distance away :(

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Yay!!! No more injections till a long long time!!

... And my baby's not taking this last battle without a fight!!! Hahaha.... The thing with an 18th month, they seem to remember things quite well... So it was quite a struggle!!! He screamed the whole house down...... From the station taking his height and weight, to the injection room, to the doctor's room! (But of cos with intervals and running-around in between each room. hahahaha) 

And and and..... guess what?!!! Desperate moment calls for desperate measures!!! Hahaha He screamed out "MAMA!!!!!!!" Pointing to me!!!! Finally finally!!!!!! Now who's tearing.... Hahahahah :)

Happy now.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

We are the neighbourhood kids today!

We roamed near our place today.... Went to two different playgrounds and just strolled about. *Noticed his neighbourhood clothes?! Hahaha* 

*how did we learn to swing? Hmm... Can swinging be taught??

*are u sure u want to crawl through?!! Not sure if u will be stuck!!! Hahahaha

Keeping up with today's theme, we even went to the wet market for a walk! Hahaha.... Drove. Parked. Walkabout. The buzz at the market is great with all the colourful sights and sounds!!! His eyes were really busy darting here and there at the fruit and flower shops. He wanted so very much to touch the fruits but mama was hesitant... The sellers looked really busy and ... urmm.. angry... Hahahah.... Babe, mama will bring you to the supermarket for a touch and feel session. Hehee.. 

Last stop : fish stalls. He was really excited as he wriggled his way down from my arms and pushed himself against the tanks!! Hahahahah "no babe, no dirty fingers in the tank!!!" "Take your fingers out!!" 

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Still a struggle...

... to go on the tram at the zoo! Not even with a cute little tram stamp on his hand! Oh baby, if we can go on the tram, we can go for miles!! Hahahha.... 

Mama : "baby, shall we go on the tram?" *pointing earnestly at the tram*
Baby : "no no no no nooo!"
*pointing the other way*

Moments later.

Mama : "oh look baby, the tram has wheels and look, there are little children on it. Let's go on the tram ok?"
Baby : "no no no no noooo!"
*still pointing elsewhere*

After 2 more tries and an attempt to board it, I gave up to a now whiny and about-to-wail if I keep pushing baby.. Hahahahha and yes, the word "no" has been automatically added to his growing vocabulary! 

So here we are again, the elephants, rhinos, cheetahs, giraffes and lions.... :) Guess we are lucky again as the lion stood almost on cue and started bellowing for a while.. Babe was amused and smiling at it! 

And the elephants were being fed while we stood nearby. :)

For some reasons, we still haven't gone to the primate's kingdom and haven't seen any bears... Hmmmm I wonder why... Haha

And babe, mama hasn't forgotten the water play - we will do it really soon! 

Monday, 20 May 2013

Over our long weekend!

Little boy was absolutely thrilled with our room at equarius hotel, sentosa!!! THRILLED!! Darting here and there, opening drawers, putting things in the drawers - bottles, land rover, shoes..... , checking out the big bath tub, in out in out in out!!!! Plus the fanfare when he saw his cousins in the adjoining room!!! Double the happiness!! Haha 

Of course the land rover came along... 

Papa gave up filling the tub after 20mins (?) cos the water was only till the ankle!!! Too big a tub! Ok, Shower works too... Haha...

Babe tried many new food this time!!! At the breakfast table, he tried my smoked salmon and had quite a fair bit :), few bites of the bao skin and many grapes! I was too lazy to peel the skin and guess what?! He ate everything although it took very long for him to swallow the grape skin.... Haiz... should have done this a long time ago and save my effort of peeling all the grapes he ate!!! 

The children were all frolicking on a big patch of grass-like... urmmm... grass thing... Hahahah fake grass(!!) after breakkie. Little lukey wouldn't miss out, of course! R....U.....N.......!!!!!!! Hahaha
After breakfast, It's off to the aquarium!!! Mama was really excited!!! We wrestled our way through the maddening crowd and joined the flow at the exhibits..... Babe was a little wide eyed when we walked through the tunnel of fish!! But otherwise, very somber as usual hahhaha... Ps. I really LOVE watching the smiley bottlenose dolphins swim!!!!!!! Was standing there for quite a long while.... Very charming and playful!!!! 

*The littlest in their strollers.. Almost ready to go!

*babe tried chicken rice for the first time cos there were no other alternatives... This or bak kut teh??! Hahahah oh well just for one meal and he likes it!!! Ate 4 rice balls!!!! Hahaha....

*Back for snooze......

And tis dinner time!!!! While waiting for our seats, babe was trying to push my grandma's wheelchair... He was actually eyeing on it for the whole day, checking it out when I was pushing him in his stroller next to my grandma!! Hahaha.... So when my aunties invited him to push, he jumped at it tho acting a bit coy in the beginning! Hahaha