His head was bobbing from left to right to take in the sight.... And he could identify the AMK library and the "jeep playground" opposite, also "mmmm - McDonald's"!!!! Hahaha.... But as we approached bishan, the novelty probably wore off and he was in a rather pensive mood till it was time to press the bell!!! We alighted right outside the mrt station and he waved the bus goodbye.... "Bye bye duh deh-ker bus!!!"
Did our usual stuff at junction 8 before heading home in a train. :) A very smooth journey today despite missing the half hour interval shuttle bus on our way back! Crossed the road to take the other buses for a longer walk home....
A little play time after lunch... Waving to the garbage truck uncles is one of the daily highlights for him. He's always happy to see them!!
Then came nap time.... Since we started our no-milk-to-sleep campaign, today is the first proper nap I'm taking with him - without letting him feed. He's doing fine at night so far - in fact sleeping within 3-5mins with no fuss..... But I guess day naps are different to him. And we had to start from the beginning, which is the wailing and crying and squirming.... And he did... for a good 15mins before settling to sleep on my tummy.... :) you can do it, my dear darling!!
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