Friday, 13 September 2013

Oh, we haven't been here for months!!

It was a cloudy, breezy morning... And what better way to enjoy this wonderful weather than to take a stroll in the park... We walked to a faraway playground (that's probably the biggest in this whole estate) - Somewhere we haven't gone for the longest time!! The huge play equipment with a number '6' bouncy car!! :)

* enroute, we stopped by the row of fruit trees to satisfy farmer Luke's love of fruit trees.. Or so his mama thinks... Hahaha.. The mangoes are so in season now!!! 

Mama pushed the stroller up the treacherous slope and before she could catch her breath, the son grew impatient and wanted out the stroller like-right-NOW!! His tone of voice was going higher and higher.... Put him down and he immediately darted to the bouncy car!!! 

And loving it!!!

* doing a variation of play on the bouncy car!

We spent a long time there... Working up a sweat even in this cloudy, breezy morning!! Little Boy again made his mama climb up the frame - stepping up behind him on a 'bridge' or rather a bumpy slopey plastic connector with no handles and dangling way off the ground!!! Holding him with one hand and the other hanging on to dear life!! hahahaha.... We went up and down 3 times!!!!!! My fear of heights may be cured soon if this goes on....... 

On our way back, we had to stop by our usual playground at babe's insistence and hung around for a while.... Babe found a little mango on the grass and was really happy!! And we could finally go home after that!! :)

Once home, farmer Luke quickly went to the box of mangoes we have at home and pulled some mangoes out to compare with his 'little mango'....... Hahahhah..... 

It has been a 'fruitful' morning!! Hahahaha.... ;)

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