Thursday, 21 November 2013

The blue tracks are back!!

A recent discovery of the big box of blue tracks at kor kor's house led to his interest in the train set again!

He was pushing the trains round and round and round the tracks for the longest time!! (Manual push as the trains there didn't have batteries haha) And was yakking away (audible at times nonsensical otherwise) as the trains went through the tunnel, pass the station, changed tracks.... 

When we got home, we had to build one in our room - he knew where his set of tracks and trains were kept!! (Hand me down from the other kor kors)

Papa built a small one... in case it was dismantled and mama can fix it for him! Haha so there he was...... Fiddling with it in the morning, afternoon and night....

Then the trains rolled off the tracks and went under the bed!!! He found it amusing and pushed the other in too!!! And these two trains were running on full batteries!!! Sigh.... I shone a torch under the bed to see how far they went.... Not reachable without moving the bed. Ok babe, no trains till papa gets home.... Consequences.... Hahaha..

He took the torch from me and did the same.... He kept saying "oh noooo... Trains".... "Mama get trains".... Hahahha 

* there's the green train, Percy..

Hooray when papa came home!! These two boys were laughing and cheering away as mama was taking her bath!! Papa even had to interrupt her to come on out to take a video of them playing cos "his expressions were so cute!!" Hahahahaha..... 

* mama built this big impressive track!! Hahaha the only thing was.. the trains would come to a dead end as the track ended abruptly... Hahahaha... 

Now I just can't wait till he can build the tracks himself!!!! It would be so much fun!!! :)

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