Saturday, 23 November 2013

Our baby is 2!!!

Happy birthday dear darling..... ❤️
And what better way to celebrate than having his favorite kor kors and jie jie over for a play date!!

Packed all of them in the land rover and off to spend the evening at the amk playground.... 

* lukey running after the kor kors and jie jie!!!

And of course dear little boy was playing alongside with the older children but not with them... Haha... Always near....

* there he is at the corner of the picture..

Lukey tried to climb the ropes just like his cousins... And he managed to lift himself up!!

* was trying to take some group pictures... Hahaha... But the two year old kept walking away!!!

There... Our best group picture!! Hahahah 

Earlier in the day, I asked the little one where he would like to go.... Gave him a list of places... And guess what? He chose to feed the fishes! "Buy ball (of fish food)".... :)

So we went.....

* the glorious dispenser with all the balls of fish food! Hahaha

* chased the birds and made my heart jumped!!! Cos he just darted off!!! 

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