Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Lukey and igloo....

It was on yesterday's trip the zoo that I realized that my little big boy remembers where the igloo is at the zoo!!!! Hahahah I thought we could skip it as we saw the polar bear at the pool (need not go into the frozen tundra exhibit where the polar bear's den and the igloo are located)... Mama sheepishly walked passed the glass door, distracting him with a big polar bear statue.... He looked. Then pointed back at the door and said "iglooooo"!!!! Drats! Hahahaha.....

So here we were... http://youtu.be/oOdPb8dcyB0

Inuka strutting his stuff and fascinating us with his majestic yet graceful swim....

We took the snake/sun bear/Komodo dragon route and was back at the orangutan enclosure in an hour's.... Hmmm... The sky was suddenly overcast with a snap of the fingers and it was really windy!!!! Walk on? Head back? Walk on? Head back? Walk on? Head back? Hung around a little more..... Wind was getting stronger.... Gulp! Better head back!!! 

Brisk walked back to the entrance, bought an ice coffee, plonked babe into the car and drove off.... When we reached the main road, it started to pour!!!!!! Phew!!!!! The rain was so so so heavy the first half of our journey that I could barely see beyond 10metres!!! I kid u not!!! The cars all had their hazard lights on!!! Felt like I was driving through a storm and was praying hard that the trees don't collapse on us!!! Gulp....  Babe was nonchalant as usual... Eating his blueberries....

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