We took the bus to the zoo!! A little inconvenient to get to the bus stop with bus service 138 (which goes right to the entrance) - shuttle service to main road, crossed the big junction, took another bus for a mere 2 stops!! Plus horrible waiting time -
waited for almost 20minutes for 138!!!!! But otherwise, it was really quick and enjoyable for babe when we finally got onto the bus! It took about 45mins from door to door with 3 buses and the silly long waiting time!
We didn't notice this, but the zoo actually has a very well maintained fruits and vegetable garden!! We walked through it today and of course, farmer Luke loved it!!! Kept turning back when I walked him out!! Had to carry him and run out!!! Haha...
* there were all sorts of beans!! Big beans little beans... Curved beans, straight beans... Hahahah...
* quite a variation of fruits and vegetables plants.... Many of which had fruits/Vege on them...
* fantastic view! Very tranquil.....
And Guess what?? We finally went on the tram after soooo long!!! Hehee.... Wasn't planned... It started to rain and luckily we were near a tram stop!! Just hopped on without saying anything... Hahahha.... He resisted a little but I managed to distract him with stuff before it became a big bawl!! Hahhaha..... He was very tensed on my lap but could still point to this and that after a while... Haha... And we managed to go almost a full circle!! :) Hooray!!
* mama's very pleased! :)
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