Sunday, 25 August 2013

Anything kor kor does...

.... I can do too!!!! Hehee...

The kor kors were doing a synchronized rhythmic beat involving clapping, banging on the table and a cup!! Very cool!!! We were watching them perform when we reached.... I guess babe was amused and in awe too!!! So when the kor kors started their session again, he grabbed a chair and pushed it to the table and voila! He was part of the ensemble!! Or so he thought!!! Hahahaha..... But he got the idea..... And was tapping on the table!!!! Hahahahah.... He clearly loved it and was grinning widely as he tapped away!!! Well, till he fell off the chair..... Sigh....

* This last picture was taken just before he fell off the chair!!! In fact, it shows the moment he was falling off the chair... 

A hard knock on the head + was in shock + didn't nap the whole day =  wailed like mad!!! Haiz... My silly little boy.....  *Love much much*

But I must say, this little boy takes tumbles, knocks and scrapes in his stride... Usually won't fuss unless it's a major one!! He will just pick himself up and be on his way..... :) 

On a lighter note : Look of the day.... Haha.... Very much like his papa and mama.. No?? Hahahahha.... 

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