I don't quite remember when did I show babe the star fruit tree (tucked at one corner of the estate).... It must have struck a chord with him that he is always excited when we go that way.... The owners planted all fruit trees along the road just outside their house... Even their gigantic cacti had some purplish fruits!!! They have mango trees, jackfruit tree, star fruit tree, chiku tree and one more unidentifiable tree... Hahaha....
Anyways, before we went for our morning walk yesterday, told babe we could see papaya trees, custard apple plants etc and of course the starfruit tree along the way..
We walked around and saw some fruit trees.... Road works..... And also stopped by the playground for a sweaty run.... After an hour or so, mama decided to head home as it was getting too hot for comfort. So we took a longer way which was more shaded.... And strolled home.
As we walked through our gate in the stroller, babe pointed outwards and was starting to whine.... "Out" "out"... Wanting me to go out.... But babe!! It's too hot out there!! I put him down and he asked to be carried, still wanting to go out... Go where, babe?
"Star fruit" !!!!
I was stumped! Babe, maybe we could go there later? "No no" "star fruit"...
O.....k......... So we headed out again..... Walked under the hot sun..... And made our way to the star fruit tree...... He knew where it was when we were nearing it....
There!!!! He was happy.... Grinned from ear to ear... "Star fruit" with a sense of satisfaction.... like its some sacred fruit that we trekked a long way to see!! Hahahahaha.....
We could go back...... Happy. And mama learned not to mention things until we are seeing it for sure!! Haha