Thursday, 29 August 2013

Bus 138 to the zoo!!

We took the bus to the zoo!! A little inconvenient to get to the bus stop with bus service 138 (which goes right to the entrance) - shuttle service to main road, crossed the big junction, took another bus for a mere 2 stops!! Plus horrible waiting time - waited for almost 20minutes for 138!!!!!  But otherwise, it was really quick and enjoyable for babe when we finally got onto the bus! It took about 45mins from door to door with 3 buses and the silly long waiting time! 

We didn't notice this, but the zoo actually has a very well maintained fruits and vegetable garden!! We walked through it today and of course, farmer Luke loved it!!! Kept turning back when I walked him out!! Had to carry him and run out!!! Haha...

* there were all sorts of beans!! Big beans little beans... Curved beans, straight beans... Hahahah...

* quite a variation of fruits and vegetables plants.... Many of which had fruits/Vege on them... 

* fantastic view! Very tranquil..... 

And Guess what?? We finally went on the tram after soooo long!!! Hehee.... Wasn't planned... It started to rain and luckily we were near a tram stop!! Just hopped on without saying anything... Hahahha.... He resisted a little but I managed to distract him with stuff before it became a big bawl!! Hahhaha..... He was very tensed on my lap but could still point to this and that after a while... Haha... And we managed to go almost a full circle!! :) Hooray!! 

* mama's very pleased! :)

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Woohoo!! Double decker bus!!

When we left the house this morning, mama was not quite sure where we were off to... Haha.... Cos I don't remember how long can I stretch him on the public bus..... So we took the shuttle service out to YCK bus station.... 

And we hovered around the station checking which bus would be the most convenient or rather most familiar in case we need to alight!! It also had to be a double decker bus!! Drats! The bus we usually take came and it was a single deck bus!! Just behind it was bus 70 and it was a double decker bus!! Should we???

What the heck, we did!!!! Hahahaha if he was ok, we would go to collyer quay.... If not, we would alight at serangoon or paya lebar to take the train home!! I have learned to have contingency plans... What ifs plans.... Worse case senario, hail a cab!!!. :)

Babe was a little bewildered as we climbed the stairs up and clearly was very happy!!!! And excited!!!! Repeated "deker busss" over and over again... And was pointing here, there and everywhere!!!! 

After about 15 or 20 minutes into the journey, however, his butt started to grow pins and he was squirming around... Hahaha... Guess we couldn't make it to collyer quay!! Hahaha.... Hey!! Mrt station!!! Alight!!!!! At least, We made it to serangoon station!!!! :) and there was a big mall there!! Hehee let's take a walk!!

Think we were too early.... The shops were still closed!! Even the rooftop play area was cordoned off.. :( We found some rides just outside isetan and babe was enjoying it nonetheless.... Took a walk through the toys dept when it opened and he was carefully looking through the trains... And cars..... Rolling them on the shelves... And when mama said it was time to go, he waved bye bye to the toys... Hahahha... Wonder how long will this last!!?!! Hahahha...

We made our way home after about half an hour at the mall... And I was really happy to find out that bishan was just 2 stops away on the circle line!!! Yay!!! Switched trains and after a shuttle bus service, we reached home shortly.... 

What an adventure!!!! :)

Ps. Heard about toddlers rummaging through bags and wallets... Yes, it's true... 

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Babe and the star fruit tree

I don't quite remember when did I show babe the star fruit tree (tucked at one corner of the estate).... It must have struck a chord with him that he is always excited when we go that way.... The owners planted all fruit trees along the road just outside their house... Even their gigantic cacti had some purplish fruits!!! They have mango trees, jackfruit tree, star fruit tree, chiku tree and one more unidentifiable tree... Hahaha....

Anyways, before we went for our morning walk yesterday, told babe we could see papaya trees, custard apple plants etc and of course the starfruit tree along the way.. 

We walked around and saw some fruit trees.... Road works..... And also stopped by the playground for a sweaty run.... After an hour or so, mama decided to head home as it was getting too hot for comfort. So we took a longer way which was more shaded.... And strolled home. 

As we walked through our gate in the stroller, babe pointed outwards and was starting to whine.... "Out" "out"... Wanting me to go out.... But babe!! It's too hot out there!! I put him down and he asked to be carried, still wanting to go out... Go where, babe?

"Star fruit" !!!!

I was stumped! Babe, maybe we could go there later? "No no" "star fruit"...

O.....k......... So we headed out again..... Walked under the hot sun..... And made our way to the star fruit tree...... He knew where it was when we were nearing it....

There!!!! He was happy.... Grinned from ear to ear... "Star fruit" with a sense of satisfaction.... like its some sacred fruit that we trekked a long way to see!! Hahahahaha..... 

We could go back...... Happy. And mama learned not to mention things until we are seeing it for sure!! Haha

It's been a long time....

...since we last took the bus and train!! And it'll be our mode of transport till our next ride comes!! :)

This little one seemed a little bigger and heavier in my carrier today!!! Has it been that long??!! Hahaha.... But I think he was really happy to take the bus again though It was not the double decker bus he was asking for.... He was busy looking from left to right, front to back - wished I was on a 360• seat!!!! So he won't squirm here and there!!

We reached bishan very quickly... And there he was, running towards the ice cream truck as soon as I put him down!!! This boy actually doesn't walk!! He does his 水上漂 (light steps as if running on water) run every time he's on the ground!! Hahahahah..... 

Bishan is such a familiar place to him that he knows the way to his usual haunts, like the ice cream truck, around the supermarket etc!!! Hehee... Even as we walked to the library, he pointed out the bookdrop station and said "return" (books)!! Haha.... Then without waiting for me, he walked briskly into the library and headed straight for the stairs to go down to the children's department!!! He even knew the way to his favorite books - made his way to the shelf and stood right in front of the shelf to wait for his panting mama to carry him up to get those books!!! Gosh!!!!! I am surprised!!!

Mama found a really cute book today!! Hehee... It's an A to Z book of vegetables and fruits! Do they really have fruits or vegetables starting with those few letters like 'x', 'v', 'I'..... ???? 

And guess what fruit/vegetable starts with 'x'???? *giggles*


"XIGUA"?????!!!!!!!! Hahahahahhaha..... I laughed out loud at the library!!! Hahahahahah...... I didn't expect this in a very ang moh book!!! (FYI, they have Watermelon for the letter 'w'!!!) 

I carted this big, heavy book along with 2 others home.... Haha.... Luke seemed to like it too! 

We went for a walk at the supermarket and mama bought her tea in a thermos before we headed to the train station. I must be carrying 20kg worth of stuff on me!!!! It felt like it, at least!!! Hahaha... The babe, his barangs, the books and my tea!! Anyways, the train was rather empty so it was quite a breeze.... Till we missed our little shuttle bus and had to take the big bus which is a longer walk home.... But boy was happy and was chirping away all the way home!! :)

Our big boy look today... 

Monday, 26 August 2013

Let's walk....

.... on the never-ending trail of dried leaves!! Chik chik chik chik chik........ 

What a beautiful morning!!!

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Good morning, vivo!!!

Great place to look at boats, ferries, monorails, cable cars and an ocean liner, all at one place!!!! 

... And a leisure stroll at the mall to look at toys, have lunch and pick up some pyjamas on sale for babe!! Hehee.... 

Lovely Saturday in pictures...

Simply love watching children playing outdoors in the evening sun...... Giggly and happy faces in the warm orange sun.... :) 

Anything kor kor does...

.... I can do too!!!! Hehee...

The kor kors were doing a synchronized rhythmic beat involving clapping, banging on the table and a cup!! Very cool!!! We were watching them perform when we reached.... I guess babe was amused and in awe too!!! So when the kor kors started their session again, he grabbed a chair and pushed it to the table and voila! He was part of the ensemble!! Or so he thought!!! Hahahaha..... But he got the idea..... And was tapping on the table!!!! Hahahahah.... He clearly loved it and was grinning widely as he tapped away!!! Well, till he fell off the chair..... Sigh....

* This last picture was taken just before he fell off the chair!!! In fact, it shows the moment he was falling off the chair... 

A hard knock on the head + was in shock + didn't nap the whole day =  wailed like mad!!! Haiz... My silly little boy.....  *Love much much*

But I must say, this little boy takes tumbles, knocks and scrapes in his stride... Usually won't fuss unless it's a major one!! He will just pick himself up and be on his way..... :) 

On a lighter note : Look of the day.... Haha.... Very much like his papa and mama.. No?? Hahahahha....