Thursday, 25 April 2013

Whacked up day and a haircut!

This little boo boo prob woke slightly after 3am!!!!!!!!!! I refused to acknowledge him when he was tossing and turning and rolling over me, making funny sounds.... I checked the time.. 3.28??!!!!! WHAT?!!!!! Shhhhhhhhhhh.... Pat pat pat........ Shhhhhhhhh..... Fed him milk..... Shhhhhhhhhhh...... Fed him MORE milk...


Think my baby couldn't sleep cos he was very excited that he had secretly mastered 王飞鸿's无影脚!!! Very lethal, I tell u.... Hahaha for not long after, I heard a VERY loud wail of "OWWWWW!!!! He KICKED my face!!!!!" in the still of the night and in total darkness... Hahaha hilarious!!!

Ok.. turn on the night light.. and there I was, reading Spot's activity book at 4.30am in the morning!!! I was weaving in and out of sleep while he flipped the pages and waited for my response as he pointed to this and that! Haha

5.15am. Tried drowning him in more milk.. but to no avail... "LUKE!!!! It's sleepy time NoW!!!! SLEEP NOW!!!!!!"

5.45am. Cannot make it. Woke husband and I drifted off to sleep. Haha no idea what they did.....

6ish am. Babe cuddled up. Drank milk and FINALLY fell asleep!!!!!!!

Woke at 10.40am. Probably the latest ever. Hahaha.... Haiz, I have no explanation for this early morning hallooballoo... Hopefully it's just one off... Zzzzzzz....

The rest of the day is a bit of a blur... Had a very nice neighbour (a fellow mummy) coming over to give Luke a haircut!! Hehee... She is really quick handed for my wriggly and grumpy babe!!! Snip snip and voila!!! Ok.. My baby looks different. Hmmm.... He looks more like a boy. Hmmm.... Oh nooo..... Not so baby anymore!!!!! Gulp!

For some reason, I thought i'll let my suddenly-big-boy play with water before I shower him to rid the hair all over his face and body. The little container of water could not sustain this very excited and wet boy so out came the big inflatable tub.!!!!!!!!! Hopped in fully clothed (already wet)... Splish splash splosh!!!!!!!!!! Then came the most hilarious thing - he was immobile, couldn't lift his bum up and was whining!!! Hahahahahah forgot to remove his diaper!!!!!! which was now about 5kg!!!!!!!! And ballooned to the MAX!!!!! Ahhahahahahha one of the funniest thing I've seen!!!! Hahahhaha I must say, this brand of diaper is very good!! Not leaking at all!!! I'm impressed!!! Hahahahahah

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