Friday, 5 April 2013

We'll walk today!

It's off to the zoo again! Guess the thought of having less cars on route to the zoo wins over the route to botanics.. Haha

Maybe we'll go on a tram ride today - A hop on and off exploration!! That'll be fun! Leave the stroller behind and we'll walk! The only thing is... I didn't discuss this with my little partner in crime who thought otherwise!!

We hopped onto a stationary tram at the first station and sat on the first row after the driver (with the babe on my lap). For some strange reason, he resisted and was trying to stand up or rather wriggle out... The whining and pointing started.... Ok let's get off! Hmmm.... He was happy to wave "bye bye" as it moved off! I have no explanation for this hahaha...

So we started walking.... The animals were wide awake and active today!! The rhinos, zebras, cheetahs were up and trotting about! The magnificent lion captured the little one's attention yet again.... This time, it was out in the middle of the enclosure...Stretching... And letting out deep majestic bellows... (Not roars like what we usually associate it with haha) He was smiling when he heard it! We decided to stop for a snack at the benches opposite, in front of the giraffes! Oh great, giraffes behind us and the lions in front. :) Nom nom nom on the stars.... Clumsy mum spilled half the stars on the bench but tis ok.. We ate them anyways! Haha

Drip drop drip drop.... Gulp.. It felt like drizzle.... No umbrellas, no raincoats... We better head back to shelter! Scooped babe and made a u-turn.

Drats! Cheetahs walking up and down right in front of the glass panels!!! Couldn't pass the op, so we went for a closer look. Glad I did... Babe was walking up and down with them!!! :) Then we had to run back to the cafe as it was raining lightly ... But much to his amusement!! Phew.. Just a passing shower!

We were up and about to walk on when I saw the tram calling out to us.. I attempted to board again. Different row... Seemed ok... Distracted by a big group of kindy kids boarding... The tram engine started. He was unsure and held on tightly to me.. But still ok... And we moved off!! Yay! About 10metres later, an elephant literally 'popped' out from the bushes !! Hahaha he pointed rather excitedly and smiled! The rest of the journey was a breeze!!!

Last stop - Pygmy hippos! The animals were all out and 'cooperative' today!! A mummy and baby hippo waddling in the water just in front of the glass panel!! What more can u ask for at the zoo?!!
Another awesome experience at the zoo!!
Well, it helps too that mama bought a little umbrella for him! Haha :)

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